Saturday, October 10, 2009

Update on Urangoo's condition

Last week Urangoo was transferred to ICU because she couldn't breathe on her own. They did some tests to find out she had pneumonia in both lungs and infection in her blood and intestines. They put a tube in her lungs so she could breath with a machine. She was in critical condition due to these complications. She stayed in ICU for a week but now she is back in oncology. They are treating her infections with antibiotics. After they clear the infections they will then start further treatment. Her last biopsy test showed that she still has 7% cancer cells...Urangoo is still fighting to save her life.The fundraising from this site is now at $13460. We still need to keep working and spreading the word. Please continue your support. Thank you so much for your help


  1. Buuj ugch bolhgui shu Urangoo.

    Chamaig medeh naiziin chi huvid, ene aimshigt ovchniig davj tuulna gedegt itgeltei bna.

  2. To whomever maintains this blog:

    Could you please give updates everyday on Urangoo's health (as much as you can)? We don't know this girl, but are always thinking about her and praying for her, and we'd like to know what's going on.

    Thank you


  3. Yes additional updates would be great. Thank you for setting up this site.

  4. neeree update bicheed bval zugeer bx bx, Urangoogiin bieiin baidal dordoogui bgaa chimeegui bolchixoor
    Evt shaazgai buga barina gedeg shuu, bugdeeree niileed zutgevel ayult ovchniig diilj l taaraa, ochuukhen xandivaa zoriulaya.

  5. Hang in there, Urangoo. We've hatched a new plan to raise more money and we're working on it right now. We love you. We're behind you!

  6. I know there are a lot of nuts around and
    I'm sure you have met some there in Utah. I don't consider myself particularly nutty, but I do read health news articles and this one just came out in January. I don't know if the doctors will even consider this, but it's maybe worth a look:

  7. we are working on spreading the word about her. she is in our prayers!

  8. Монголд байгаа залуус чамтай хамт шүү найз мини түргэн эдгээд эх орондоо ирж үеийн нөхөдөө баярлуулаарай чи чадна бид хамтдаа залуу нас сайхан сэтгэл

  9. I opened a facebook account and added as many people as I can (still adding). I put Urangoo's Daily Herald stories and blog on my profile, as well as created a photo album with her pictures from this blog.
    I've also urged everyone on my facebook to post this blog to their facebook wall page. I think we can spread the word more like that.
    In the meantime, my wife and I are in the process of organizing a fundraiser event in Orem. Will update you with more info.
    Urangoo, stay strong. We're doing all we can, and we're praying for you. I believe in miracles.

  10. таньтай хамт таны төлөө залбирч суугаа олон олон хүний сэтгэлийн дэмээр таныг сайхан амьдрал угтанаа. Дүү нь итгэж байна.

  11. Can you post the facebook name here?

  12. If you have a facebook account, search me up by email:

    I don't know how to just post the link to my facebook account.

  13. God bless u. Chamd bainga zalbirch baih bolnoo. Harin chi itgel aldahgui ene buhniig daaj tevchin garah heregtei shuu ohin mine.

  14. setgeliin khuucher ene aimshigt ovching davan tuulna mini duu chini tolo zalbirakh bolno

  15. The latest update is from a couple of weeks ago. Please update us on how Urangoo is doing presently. We are directing a number of people to this site and it would be helpful to have updated information. Thank you for all your efforts.

  16. Huntsmany fund ruu holboo barisan uu? Ter bayan hun canceraar ehneree aldaad Utah-d cancer research center barisan. Tiishee n handval yamar bol?

  17. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I was diagnosed with AML at 21 years old and went through chemotherapy. It has now been 10 years and I am doing great. I know that you to can be cured. Keep your spirits up and keep fighting.

  18. setgeliin ih tenheegeer hun yugch dawj garch chaddag bhoor setgeleer unalgui uudrug baij buhniig dawan tuulaarai .chamaig tanidag tanidaggui olon hun chinii tuluu zalbirch bgaa shuu.eruul bolood chinii tuluu zalbirsan buh buniig bayrluulaarai ...Yuki

  19. tyynii talaarhi syyliin yein medeelel bainu?

