Sunday, September 27, 2009

Update on total amount donated

As of today, we have been able to raise over $10,000 through PayPal and visitors at the hospital. All transactions from both PayPal and Wellsfargo accounts show who donated and how much except for those of you who directly contributed to Urangoo. We would like to thank everyone who expressed concern and made a donation. She appreciates it very much. We are still a long way from the goal. Please, keep spreading the word. If you wish to donate from Mongolia, we opened a new bank account in Urangoo's name at Khaan Bank in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The account# is 5405434400. You can directly deposit your donation to the following account. Thank you.


  1. egch ni odor bur chinii tolood zalbirch baigaa Minii duu edgene ee !

  2. It's an uphill battle but we are NOT going to give up.

  3. A man called me today who said he gets treatment from Huntsman Cancer Institute even though he can't afford to pay. He said to call (801) 587-7000 and talk to the financial consultants at Huntsman to see what the options are.
    Good luck!

  4. Hi.Nadad neg sanal bna. Handiv tsugluulah mehanizmiig iluu bolovsrongui bolgovol iluu olon huniig hamrah baih gej bodoj bna. Deerh medeelliig uzeed olon hun baga ch bolov hemjeegeer tuslahiig husch bgaa bh, gevch bankind ochij handiviin mongo tushaah n chiregdeltei baidag.Tegehleer internet delguuriin tolbor tootsoo hiideg argaar hiih heregtei.Tanai sited zovhon gadaadaas bish mongoloos ch dansnii dugaaraa oruulaad l handiv orgoj bolohoor web site-iig bolovsrongui bolgoh heregtei. Hervee bi oilgomjgui bichsen bval mailto

  5. buyanii baiguullaga, church-d handad uzvel yadgiin bol.dusal duslaar nemegdej baiga ch gesen tsag aldaad bhar ulam l hetsu bolno baihda.
    God bless u

  6. Uta-d baidag HUntsmany Cancer research centerd handaach. Ene hun chin Himiin tom uildvertei baisan terbumtan. Ehner n canceraar uud bolood ene institutiig baiguulsan. Uuruu buyny ajil ih hiideg hun. Huntsman geed orood uz dee. Hayag n oldoh bh. Huu n bas Utad governor hiideg bh yostoi. Bi neg udaa lektsend n suuj baisan.

  7. When my daughter was very sick and we had no money I contacted an organization called Angel Flight. While they primarily help with flights they have many connections and may have a way to help. These are very caring people and will help any way they can. Our prayers are with Urangoo.

  8. Бэрээмэг гээд говьд ургадаг ургамал байдаг.Тэр ургамалыг олж уугаарай.Маш сайн ургамал шүү.Би бас чамтай адилхан өвчтэй.Хамгийн гол нь сэтгэл санааны байдал шүү.

  9. Is she a member of the LDS church? Do you have a help from her bishop or her ward?

  10. Iam Urangoo's sister. We talked to Huntsman Cancer Institute, they said that since she is an international student in USA, they can't give a free treatment for her. Even if she go to Hunstman Cancer Institute, it would be pointless, since LDS Hospital is a part of Huntsman Cancer Institute. Also my sister is not part of any churches in UTAH.

  11. Sain uu Urangoo!
    Strong baij bas bitgii buuj uguurei, you can do it!~San Francisco-oos, Tselmeg&Taivan.
    Bas neg sanal bna, bi ene hunii blogiig deer unshij bsan yum tegeed ene hun spreading the word out deer tuslaj magad (, bas try to contact all the other websites and post your link on it! Youtube deer best viewer-tei humuustei bas contact hiigeerei, they usually donate each month to organizations. Bi bas email bichnee.If you want you can make an interview or video like the little boy did, that might get lot more attention too.

  12. Hi, Urangoo's sister

    I saw your Mom in the picture of the Daily Herald. Do you guys have a good place to stay? Do you need help with dinner and such?


    Sain uu Urangoo
    Bid chinii toloo burhand zalbirch bgaa shuu.Deerhi kinog ta buhen uzeerei,very please.
    Ene kino chamd itgel tevcheer,edgeh bolomj hairlah bolno.Bid urgelj hamtdaa

  14. Urangoo iim olon hun ingej anhaaral, sanaa tavij zalbirch bgaa uchraas chi yamar ch bsan edgerne. gol ni hun sanaa setgeleeree amidarch chaddag, setgeliinhee hucheer yunii ch ard, tsaana, deer garch chaddag yum shuu. Burhan bgaa bol chamaig iveene.. chinii tuluu bodoj zalbirch bgaa shuu. Altangerel,
    egchiin chini angiinhan-s

  15. manai ovor mongolchuud bas tanii toloo zalbirch baina.

  16. Please keep us updated on her progress! Is there anything else we can do in addition to donating to her fund?

  17. I am pretty sure that she will be healed. Dont give up, keep trying...

  18. Could we have an update on how things are going?

  19. Ungursun 7 honogt Urangoogiin maani biye ni myydaad ICU-d (seheen amidruulah tasagt)shiljeed tend barag 7 honood garsan. Odoo canceriin tasagtaa butsaad orson. Biye ni deerdej l baina. Urangoo canceraasaa gadna uushigandaa, tsusandaa, bolon gedesendee haldvar avsan baina gej shinjilgeegeer garsan. Yamarch darhlaa baihgui uchraas mash hund tusaad amisgalj chadahgui bolood ICU-d shiljuulsen. Tend baih hugastaand uushigand ni guuras suulgaad mashinaar amisgaluulj baij arai deerdsen. Ene haldvaruudiig ni gaigui bolgoj baij tsaashdiinh ni emchilgeeg shiidene gej helsen. Odoo antibioticuudaar emchilj bgaa. Suuliin biopsy testeer 7% canceriin es uldsen baina gej helsen...
    Handiviin dans onoodoriin baidlaar $13460$ bolood baina.
    Bid Urangoogiinhaa talaar ushuu ih humuust hurgeh heregtei bainaa. Urgeljluulen Urangoodoo tuslaarai.

  20. Last week Urangoo was transferred to ICU because she couldn't breathe. They did some tests to find out she had pneumonia in both lungs and infection in her blood and intestines. They put a tube in her lungs so she could breath with a machine. Because she doesnt have an immune system, she was in critical condition. She stayed in ICU for a week but now she is back in oncology. They are treating her infections with antibiotics. After they clear the infections they will then start further treatment. Her last biopsy test showed that she still has 7% cancer cells...Urangoo is still fighting to save her life.
    The fundraising from this site is now at $13460. We still need to keep working and spreading the word. Please continue your support. Thank you so much for your help.

  21. I pray for you Urangoo. But please read this. Search on google: "Vitamin A produces astonishing leukemia cure rate, even without chemotherapy." Also, I beg from whoever taking care of her to give her Vitamin D supplements. Cod liver is the best source of Vitamin D. I beg please. It doesn't cost much and it's not toxic. P.S. If you ask your doctor about this, they will probably disapprove. But I believe it might be the best thing than cherography. Please do a research on Vitamin D and Leukemia. Also, if you go to Mongolia and find the best natural herb from the countryside, that might help.
    Also, from
    "We know from the 'Shanghai report' that daily doses of vitamins A and D (actually cod liver oil!) -taken for at least one year- could be able to reduce leukemia incidence to half or 1/3.
    It's not much, but we (parents) should give it a chance and offer this protection to our sick children, to avert relapse risk.". "A hypothesis concerning deficiency of sunlight, cold temperature, and influenza epidemics associated with the onset of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in northern Finland." by T.T. Timonen, 1999. You know, we get vitamin D from the sun through our skin, so if we don't get in the sun very much, we are likely to be vitamin D deficient.

  22. treating AML.

  23. Hi There I want to make a Donation to the Wells Fargo account but the Wells Fargo Account 3674550946 doesn't belong to Urangoo. Please let me know the first and last name to proceed with the transfer.

  24. chi ene buhnii ard zaawal garnaa chinii tuluu chin setgeleesee zalbirch bga shuu zaawal edgenee

  25. To Freddy
    Urangoo's name is on the account. It should work. Please try again. Thanks


  27. Vitamin A, Vitamin D and best natural Mongolian herbs are a cure for Leukemia? How come the worlds leading cancer doctors don't know about this well-kept secret? I wonder why?
    I wonder if it cures ED too?

  28. What is the email address to PayPal to make donations?

  29. The yellow donate buttons go directly to paypal there is one on the right pane and one towards the bottom of this blog.

  30. I would like read more information about leukemia, because I like investigate rares disease!!!
